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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

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June 2023

This beauty with jade-green eyes was already completely lethargic when she was brought to the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Galati (RO). She had a fractured pelvis and severe internal injuries, which is why she was in danger of bleeding to death.
Her recovery is also one of the "small miracles" that our clinic team in Romania performs every day. It took more than a month, a lot of medication and loving care until the brave female was out of the woods.
Unfortunately, her finder never contacted us again, although he had promised to pick up the velvet paw again. Thus she remains in our care until she finds a home.
A cat start sponsorship is a one-time donation of Fr. 75.- and helps us to cover a part of the veterinary costs.
As a start sponsor you may choose a nice name for him and you will also receive a certificate with a photo of your protégé.
More information about our animal orphanage in Galati, Romania: www.susyutzinger.ch/TierwaisenhospitalGalatiRO
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