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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

How you can help bumblebee queens...

March 2023

Royal help!
Already you can see the first bumblebees again. These are bumblebee young queens that are looking for a suitable nesting site at this time. However, since there can still be frost now and food is still scarce for the bumblebee queens (early bloomers), they can die of debilitation.
Help for the bumblebee queens:
Each of the bumblebee queens carries the eggs that later hatch into worker bumblebees. So a bumblebee queen carries an entire colony of bumblebees - making it all the more important that we can help them survive the spring and find a location for their nest.
So if you find an exhausted bumblebee, you can help the young queen - see how on the info-pic.
Thank you!

How you can help bumblebee queens...


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