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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Who would like to be my godfather / godmother...?

March 2023

Just as happy as I look in the photo, I am. I think people are great and I'm always very happy when someone deals with me.
I came to the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Galati (RO) as a very small dog baby. I was abandoned and someone had built a makeshift shelter for me and my two siblings by a road. But the place was absolutely unsuitable and extremely dangerous for us unsuspecting puppies. Therefore, unfortunately, one of my brothers did not make it.
Now I am turning the place upside down here in the SUST animal shelter in Galati and I am happy about every visit. Maybe also soon from you, on the occasion of the next sponsor trip?
If you would like to become my godfather or godmother, please contact me at patenschaft@susyutzinger.ch.

Here you will find everything you need to know about sponsorships: https://www.facebook.com/tierheimpatenschaftgalati/about

Who would like to be my godfather / godmother...?


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