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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Who knows "Mr. X"?

March 2024

"Mr. X" was discovered by his finder in a field in Buttisholz LU on March 8, 204 and brought to the AniCura small animal practice in Sursee. His condition was not good and he stank terribly of pus. The generous finder financed the urgently needed emergency measures out of her own pocket. Because pus was dripping from his ear, the vet discovered an untreated, massive ear infection that would require further surgery. We decided to make this operation possible for "Mr. X" as part of our "SaveMyLife" project, in the hope that the dear little bunny will soon be better.
More information about "SaveMyLife": www.susyutzinger.ch/SUST/SaveMyLife
As the beautiful, cuddly, neutered but unchipped black cat has not been missed by anyone so far, it can unfortunately not be ruled out that he was abandoned due to his health problems.
At this point we would like to point out once again that
- the abandonment of animals is a criminal offense according to Art. 26 Paragraph 1 lit. e TSchG
   (and that the abandonment of sick animals is also a particularly nasty offense)
- keeping pets may involve high costs and
   the purchase must therefore be carefully considered beforehand
- pets should be regularly examined by a veterinarian so that possible
   diseases can be recognized and treated at an early stage
However, if "Mr. X" has run away from his owner and he/she recognizes him/her from the photos, please contact the person who found him/her via the STMZ lost property report: www.stmz.ch/de/333694
Our heartfelt thanks go to
- the AniCura Kleintierpraxis Sursee AG for the favorable conditions- the finder of Mr. X for her spontaneous and selfless action and the good care of Mr. X
- all our patrons for their wonderful support
Who knows "Mr. X"?


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