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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

When love for animals ends in tragedy...

August 2024

Buying animals online can be just as problematic. Often, such misguided love for animals leads to tragic consequences. A lengthy quarantine, or the repatriation of the animal to its country of origin at the owner's expense, legal action, and a hefty fine are among the usual outcomes of illegally importing an animal. For your animal souvenir, it could even mean a death sentence: Particularly, missing or invalid rabies vaccinations and titer tests result in many of these "holiday souvenirs" and "internet bargains" being euthanized. We are addressing this issue with the campaign "Don’t Play with My Life." Help raise awareness about this problem and its sad consequences by sharing this post! https://youtu.be/PGKVjGI0rpk

You can find more information and the link to the free posters and flyers here:
When love for animals ends in tragedy...


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