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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

We are very pleased to receive this positive feedback from the G. farming family in Eggiwil,...

March 2024

"They all recovered well from the operation and are healthy and lively." We are particularly pleased to see a significant increase in demand for financial support for the neutering of cats on farms and in feral populations. Thanks to the good and sometimes long-standing collaboration with animal welfare-minded veterinarians, dedicated individuals, active animal welfare associations, AND open-minded farmers, we were able to ensure that last year 1262 Swiss cats were neutered, thus sparing them from further unwanted offspring. Although there is still a long way to go, thanks to this wonderful success, we look hopefully to the future. Because every cat that has been neutered no longer contributes to the great suffering caused by their uncontrolled reproduction. Our heartfelt thanks also go to all generous animal lovers who, through their donations, have made an indispensable contribution to this success! Photo: Courtesy of the G. Family.

We are very pleased to receive this positive feedback from the G. farming family in Eggiwil,...


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