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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Watch out when mowing the lawn!

July 2024

Time and again, hedgehogs sleeping under hedges or bushes are mutilated or even killed by mowing equipment such as string mowers. Hedgehogs do not react to the noise of mowing equipment by fleeing, but instead curl up even more in the face of danger.
Lawn robots that work unattended also pose a danger to hedgehogs that roam the garden sniffing around at dusk or at night. They are usually hit in the face by the lawn robots and seriously injured.

The infopic shows you what you can watch out for and how you can help hedgehogs:
- Mow tall grass with care.
- Do not let the robot lawn mower run at dusk or at night.
   Small hedgehogs sometimes forage during the day.
- Do not leave robotic lawn mowers running around unattended and avoid robotic lawn mowers with
   with fixed blades:

- Check potential hiding places with a leaf rake before mowing, because
   hedgehogs can hardly be spotted with the naked eye in their sleeping places!
- Avoid clearing under shrubs and hedges. Many garden inhabitants
   are happy to have a natural garden.
- And hedgehogs are also happy to have a water bowl in the garden in hot weather
   (no milk) so you give hedgehogs - and other animals - the opportunity
   to get vital fluids.

You can also learn lots of surprising things in our webinar for hire on:

Watch out when mowing the lawn!


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