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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Many insectivorous birds had to be fed...

August 2023

After an increasing number of young crows, seagulls and larger birds of prey have been brought to the SUST Orphan Wildlife @ Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Bucharest (RO) in recent weeks and months, it is now apparently the turn of the insectivores! Often their first attempts to fly unfortunately do not end successfully and they end up somewhere on the ground, where they are defenseless against dangers like cats, vehicles or heat death.
Swallows, swifts, hoopoes, nightjars and woodpeckers feed exclusively on insects. Unlike many other birds, swifts, for example, are no longer fed by their parents once they have left the nest and are sitting on the ground.
It is therefore very important that these sensitive animals quickly get into the hands of professionals who know about raising insectivores. This is because improper feeding or water instillation can have deadly consequences for these sensitive birds.
In Switzerland, you can ask the Swiss Ornithological Institute Sempach for expert care stations in your area:
Tel. 041 462 97 00 (Mon-Fri 08.00-12.00 and 13.30-17.00).
Weekend emergency service:
Tel. 041 462 99 99 (09.00-12.00 and from 13.30-17.00).
Learn more about the SUST Orphan Wildlife @ Wildlife Rehabilitation Center and how your donations are used there: www.susyutzinger.ch/OrphanWildlifeCenterRO
Thank you very much for your support!
Many insectivorous birds had to be fed...


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