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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Veterinary consultation hours in Wil (SG)

April 2024

Last week, during the veterinary consultation in Wil as part of the SUST Animal Welfare Service, conducted by SUST partner veterinarian Daniela Glaus, 12 cats and dogs were treated, vaccinated, and dewormed.

Part of the treatment includes educating the owners. During these consultations, we encountered two overweight animals - it's crucial to discuss with the owners how important it is for animals to maintain a healthy weight. We provided tips for owners on resisting those sad, pleading eyes and staying consistent for the sake of the animals, all free of charge.

Your commitment to this valuable SUST project is essential - thank you for making these veterinary consultations possible.

You can find more dates and all information about "SOFT" on: www.susyutzinger.ch/SozialarbeitfuerTiere
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Veterinary consultation hours in Wil (SG)


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