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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Injured puppy in Hurghada...

October 2023

Our Hurghada team received news that an injured puppy had been lying in the same place for two days. Someone had made a makeshift bandage to protect the injury from contamination. However, the poor fellow was suffering from great pain and would certainly have died shortly from dehydration or infection.

When removing the improvised bandage at the SUST orphan animal hospital, our team was horrified to discover that half of the puppy's front leg was missing. Professionally cleaned, equipped with a professional bandage, and provided with antibiotics and painkillers, the little one looked much more optimistic about the world.

He is now allowed to recover in a safe place and regain his strength until a decision is made about whether the leg needs to be amputated or whether he will go through life with a prosthesis in the future.

Learn more about the orphan animal hospital in Hurghada, EG:

Injured puppy in Hurghada...


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