Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Valuable help!

June 2024

The SUST Social Work for Animals (SOFT) regularly conducts veterinary consultations throughout Switzerland for the animals of low-income individuals, who often have a four-legged companion as their only social partner. Without this valuable project, many of these animals would remain untreated. Very often, we see animals with #Qualzuchtmerkmalen - as they are currently very "in fashion." A flat nose and funny folded ears may look cute, but these (there's no other way to describe them) deformities often mean that such animals need to visit the vet more frequently.

Through SOFT, we offer treatments, vaccinations, and medications at significantly reduced prices. However, we also use this opportunity to educate pet owners. Thanks to your support, 9 animals were able to benefit from this special SUST project at the consultation in Chur.
Many thanks to the Tierarztpraxis Capricorn AG  and to the ChurPlus Pet Table, who once again supported a very successful consultation.

The animals of low-income individuals need your help. These animals are not to blame for being in this situation. You can help directly and easily at www.susyutzinger.ch/spenden
Find more pictures from the veterinary consultation in Chur here: Facebook

#sozialarbeitfürtiere #susyutzingerstiftungfürtierschutz #sprechstunde

Valuable help!


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