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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Tiger desperately needed help!

July 2023

"Tiger" was born to a feral momma cat who took up residence on the grounds of a garage in Mümliswil SO. Nobody missed the cat family or knew where it came from. Since then, the kind-hearted workshop master has been caring for the stray kittens with a lot of heart and soul. Therefore, his concern was great when "Tiger" suddenly no longer wanted to eat and was obviously sick.
Not being financially well off himself, the workshop master asked us for help in paying the treatment costs.
Knowing that the foundling is otherwise well cared for, we decided to cover the costs as part of our "SaveMyLife" project.
At this point we would like to thank the veterinary practice Tierarztpraxis Bader very much for the long lasting good cooperation and the accommodating conditions.
Today the good news reached us together with a "thank you", which came noticeably from the heart: "Tiger" is well again and he was allowed to return to his usual territory.
We would like to pass this "thank you" on to you. Because without your donations it would not be possible for us to provide veterinary care for cats like "Tiger".
Here you can find information about our project "SaveMyLife": www.susyutzinger.ch/SUST/SaveMyLife
Here you can support us: www.susyutzinger.ch/donate
Tiger desperately needed help!


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