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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Through the project "Save My Life"

June 2023

Well, already in love? We already a little bit.
The cute cat, who is looking so dreamily into the world, is called Crispy.
Crispy was found by the fire department at the end of May and brought to the Tierklinik Obergrund
in Lucerne. It is true that cats usually land on their paws, but sometimes they suffer serious injuries from falls. Unfortunately, this was also the case with Crispy. In this case an owner could be found, but he had no interest in his cat and did not want to pay for his treatment. So that Crispy could still be operated on, we contributed a large amount to the high treatment costs as part of our "SaveMyLife" project.
In the meantime, the cuddly cat is already doing much better and is now eagerly wishing for a new home that deserves him and will never deport him again.
Here you can learn more about our project "SaveMyLife": https://www.susyutzinger.ch/.../SUST.../SaveMyLife (in German only).
Through the project "Save My Life"


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