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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

The little one has found a godmother and is now called “Muffin”

August 2024

This adorable “mini tiger” was brought to the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Galati, Romania, as a tiny little kitten. It was lovingly bottle-fed by our tireless Lilu. His left eye was so badly damaged by an infection that it could only be removed. But the little “pirate” is otherwise lively and a real “mama's child”.
Our dear sponsor has made a one-off donation of
Fr. 75.-- towards the costs incurred by Pfüdi at the animal orphan hospital.
To thank her for her support, she received a beautiful certificate with a photo of her protégé and was allowed to give the little pirate a suitable name.


The little one has found a godmother and is now called “Muffin”


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