Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

The Cat Care team is dedicated to helping cats in need!

January 2024

Engaging means not only "feeding". Sustainable is to capture such animals, neuter them, and continue to care for them in their original territory. This is quite a lot of work, but only in this way can their uncontrolled reproduction be sustainably prevented. This is also a problem in Switzerland. Many feral cats are "only" fed here in Switzerland - it is well-intentioned but contributes to overpopulation. Cat Care neutered feral cats, and adoptable cats are placed elsewhere. Sustainable, needs-oriented animal welfare work that we can support thanks to your donations. Cat Care takes care of up to 100 kittens per year and over 30 adult cats. That's why, in addition to supporting neutering, we regularly provide food and regularly receive SUPER SWEET photos in return, which we are happy to show you. Thank you for your commitment to sustainable animal welfare!
The Cat Care team is dedicated to helping cats in need!


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