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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

The beautiful story of dog Strop (drop)

February 2023

When our Dana from the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Bucharest left her home on a cold, rainy January morning to go to work, a completely soaked, dirty dog came up to her and literally begged for affection and attention. As is well known, it is nothing special to meet stray dogs in Romania. There are many street dogs and also dogs with owners who are let run free. But Dana had never seen this dog in this area.
Since not all strays can (or need to) be taken off the streets, Dana continued on her way to the clinic alone. But she couldn't get the extremely needy and starved animal out of her mind. She asked her husband, who was still at home at the time, to look after him, feed him and bring him to the animal orphanage so that he could be examined and neutered. Which, of course, he did.
During the examination it turned out that the neglected animal was a female. She was named - inspired by the weather - Strop, which means "drop" in Romanian. Apart from the fact that Strop was severely underweight and had the obligatory lodgers (fleas and other parasites), she was fortunately healthy.
Apparently Strop had not eaten for a very long time, because she ate the offered food with ravenous hunger and defended it with her life.
Only when she realized that there was enough of everything (food, toys, attention) she started to relax.
The decision was made quickly: Strop should not go back to the street and was allowed to move into a foster home. Since the foster mom also works at the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital, Strop comes with her to the clinic every day, where she recently "adopted" a litter of motherless puppies. She takes this task very, very seriously, which is why no other dog is allowed to get too close to the little ones.
Actually, Strop is supposed to be placed in a new home. But in our opinion, Strop has already chosen a new family on that gray, rainy January morning when she ran into our Dana's arms.
Don't you see it exactly the same way?
The beautiful story of dog Strop (drop)


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