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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Swiss "Worry Cat" "Stummeli"...

April 2024

After losing its tail in a previous accident, Swiss troublemaker "Stummeli" recently suffered another unfortunate mishap, tearing its Achilles tendon. The attending vet unfortunately sees no other option but to amputate the affected leg.

Stummeli is part of a semi-wild cat colony in Sirnach TG, cared for as best as possible by an elderly man. Additionally, a caring animal lover keeps a watchful eye on the cats and assists with food. It was this person who brought the injured Stummeli to the vet.

The operation will incur a significant cost (approximately CHF 900). We would like to make this possible for poor Stummeli so it can soon roam pain-free again. Fortunately, cats can manage quite well on three legs.

Who would support us in financing Stummeli's operation? We are grateful for any donations! Please mention "Stummeli" when donating so we can allocate your donation accordingly. If more donations are received than needed for Stummeli's operation, we will use them for the medical care of other "Swiss Sorgenbüsis" (worry cats).

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support - also on behalf of Stummeli! You can help here:

Swiss "Worry Cat" "Stummeli"...


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