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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Sustainable animal welfare...

September 2023

"My cat is the MOST BEAUTIFUL cat in the world....
...I love her so much that I want there to be more of them!"
What do you think about sentences like this?
What we think about it is guided by our knowledge that:
- 90℅ of all cancers in cats are bad cancers. It is very
   likely that a cat will develop some type of cancer during its lifetime.
- Any birth can bring complications. Especially when a cat is experiencing its first birth.
- Neutering, ideally before a cat comes into heat for the first time, reduces the risk of cancer
   (breast cancer, ovarian cancer) and eliminates the risk of pyometra (infection of the uterus).
- SUST Animal Orphan Hospitals, such as SUST-OAH Moreni (RO) spay and neuter cats for FREE because they can count on the
   Support from wonderful donors who understand all of the above.
- And yes, we also think your cat is a beautiful cat that deserves a long, healthy and happy life.
   and happy life.
Thank you for understanding, living and supporting the sustainable animal welfare idea of SUST!
Help now directly and uncomplicatedly to curb the cat misery in Switzerland and in many other countries:
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