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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

SUST social work for animals in Biel

August 2023

Last week, the SUST veterinarians had their hands full at the vet consultation of the SUST social work for animals.

That's why this time there were three SUST partner veterinarians:
Dr. med. vet. Daniel Hofer and TPA Anika Fritschi from the small animal practice LYSSBACHVET and Dr. Johannes Kaufmann from Tierarztpraxis am Homberg „rockten“ die Sprechstunde, die bis auf den letzten Platz ausgebucht war.

"rocked" the consultation hour, which was booked to capacity.

Not all patients shared the same enthusiasm on August 8, 2023 at the Gassenarbeit Biel Seeland Jura. But, all of them could be treated and thanks to your donations, provided with plenty of food and material.

Thank you to all who make this valuable SUST project possible!
The next dates and all info can be found on:


#susyutzingerstiftungfürtierschutz #sozialarbeitfürtiere #tierarzstsprechstunde 

#lyssbachvet #gassenarbeitbielseelandjura #tierartzthomberg

SUST social work for animals in Biel


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