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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

SUST social work for animals in Olten

April 2023

Veterinarian Dr. med. vet H. J. Leuenberger and TPA Alexandra Kohler from Tierklinik 24 had their hands full on the occasion of the SUST veterinary consultation, which was held for the first time at the Olten location on April 5, 2023.
Fifteen four-legged patients (the smallest of which was a rat) from pet owners affected by poverty were able to benefit from the expert examination and treatment by Dr. Leuenberger last Wednesday. Thanks to the SUST project "Social Work for Animals" and the highly discounted conditions, animals whose owners could not afford a regular visit to the vet benefit from veterinary attention.
Many thanks to all animal lovers who make this valuable commitment possible with their donations!
Here you can find more information about the project Social Work for Animals:
SUST social work for animals in Olten


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