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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

SUST project "Save my Life"

September 2023

Male cat Oli (named by the veterinary clinic) was brought to the vet as a found animal at the beginning of August. He had a huge wound on his neck. The dead tissue around the wound indicated that he had been in this sad condition for some time.
Oli proved to be a brave and patient patient and thanks to the devoted care of the vets at Sumiswald Tierärzte AG, you could practically watch the wound close a little more each day.
Today was finally the long awaited day: Oli was allowed to move to a new home,
where he will be well looked after and hopefully he will have a long and beautiful life ahead of him.
Take care Oli, grab your second chance!
We thank from the bottom of our hearts:
- The finder of Oli, who brought him to the veterinary clinic.
- Sumiswald Tierärzte for their great commitment
- Fressnapf Schweiz AG, which financed Oli's treatment as part of our project "SaveMyLife"
- To Oli's new owners who will give him a beautiful future
Here you can learn more about our project "SaveMyLife": www.susyutzinger.ch//SUST/SaveMyLife
SUST project "Save my Life"


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