Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

SUST Animal Shelter Workday at Tellen Animal Shelter

September 2023

To make these workdays possible, several visits are necessary before a shelter workday. In several meetings our trained experts work out proposals for optimizations and material procurement. We plan procedures, advertise the workdays, prepare lists of participants and then also detailed briefings for the helpers.
AND our SUST animal welfare helpers donate practically all their free time for workdays like this one, today in the Tierheim Tellen/TG.
Thanks to the hardworking SUST helpers for the motivation and the good mood!
AND a big thank you to the animal shelter Tellen!
You can also help by making these missions possible with donations.
SUST Animal Shelter Workday at Tellen Animal Shelter


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