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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Successful animal welfare mission in Romania

August 2023

With many wonderful impressions in their luggage, the mission team made its way back to Switzerland on September 1st with a side trip to the SUST-Orphan Wildlife @Wildlife Rehabilitation Center "Luanas Dream" in Bucharest.

The SUST Animal Welfare Helpers team completed other important work during the outreach week of Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2023, in addition to many cleaning tasks:


  • Important precaution: Around 300 shelter dogs and over 100 shelter cats were treated against endo- and ectoparasites this week

  • Coat care is also important: many dogs were intensively brushed these days, some of them even received a summer haircut

  • Donkeys and sheep: "discarded" farm animals also find a new home at the SUST shelter, the enclosures have been cleaned, the hay store replenished

  • Much more than animal welfare expertise: Thanks to technical know-how, further, necessary maintenance work was carried out

  • "Kieser training": several hundred kilos of gravel were shoveled and distributed

  • Perfect cooperation for the welfare of the animals: administration, preparation, anesthesia, surgery and the recovery stations worked together in a highly concentrated manner.

  • Have good experiences with people: countless animals have been cuddled and puppies socialized.


The neutering team consisting of experienced SUST veterinarians was simultaneously and tirelessly on duty at the SUST-OAH:

  • Animal protection neutering campaign: 469 dogs and cats were professionally neutered by experienced veterinarians this week

  • The Orphan Animal Hospital continued to be open during this week for emergencies: For example, for this dog that had an accident

  • Digital X-ray machine: Thanks to donations, we can now X-ray injured animals and provide even better care.

  • Optimized animal rescue on site: To be able to rescue and transport injured, sick and distressed animals even better, we have brought an animal rescue vehicle on site - the team on site was introduced by the Swiss team

Dream team for the welfare of the animals: Hand in hand, the SUST animal welfare workers from Switzerland worked together with the Romanian SUST teams

Thank you to all animal welfare workers and veterinarians of the SUST for this great and successful effort.

An equally big thank you is due to the supporters, patrons and donors for their valuable contribution to sustainable, professional and serious animal welfare work. Their commitment makes these missions for animals in need possible.


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Successful animal welfare mission in Romania


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