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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Start sponsorship found for Viva

April 2024

Sweet Viva is affectionate and still quite young. No one knows how she was able to drag herself into an amusement park seriously injured, where she was finally found and brought to the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Galati (Romania).
One hind leg and part of her tail were completely shattered and had to be amputated. Her pelvis was also broken. She was not picked up again after the operation, so she will have to stay with us.
One more mouth to feed.

Our sponsor Karin S. has made a one-off donation of CHF 75 towards the high costs of Viva's treatment.
As a thank you, the sponsor receives a beautiful certificate with a photo of Viva and a heartfelt "THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Start sponsorship found for Viva


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