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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Start sponsorship found for Alpha

May 2023

Juheee, now it worked out for the sweet dog puppy.
She is very happy about her new name Alpha!
Many thanks to the dear start sponsor Judtih S.!

This was Alpha's start sponsorship call:
I thought, I'll take this into my own hands, respectively my paw, if the two-leggeds can't manage it. So fast I do not give up!
My six siblings have all received a start sponsorship and a great name, only I do not know why? I have no idea. Probably you have simply overlooked me so far. In any case, I would be very happy if I would no longer be only "No. 2".
My siblings are called Aurora, Aurelia, Allegra, Aloha, Amigo & Amelie.
For a one-time donation of Fr. 100.--, which will help to cover the costs caused by me in the SUST animal orphanage, you may name me. You will also receive a nice certificate with my photo. And on top of that you will get 1000 points on your karma account.
If you are my start sponsor, please contact me at info@susyutzinger.ch - I am looking forward to it!

Start sponsorship found for Alpha


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