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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Starting sponsorship for Lilith found!

December 2023

It's been a while since beautiful Lilith was brought to the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Galati (Romania) in a pitiful condition. Her owner was expecting to be able to have her treated by us free of charge.
Of course we didn't turn Lilith away - who knows what would have happened to her if we had. But we couldn't justify giving her back once she had recovered. Her (ex-)owner had neglected her over a long period of time and almost starved her to death. In addition, a broken leg remained untreated, causing her great pain. The person responsible for her condition does not deserve Lilith (or any other dog). The pretty girl has now got hold of one of the rare places in the SUST shelter.

You can support the animals and the shelter by making a one-off donation of CHF 100. 
As a thank you, the starting sponsor will receive a beautiful certificate.

Starting sponsorship for Lilith found!


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