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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Start sponsorship taken over by Rocchina L. and Corinna H.

January 2024

Her fearful gaze says it all: This poor stray dog currently wants nothing to do with humans. This is quite understandable considering what she has been through. It appears that she got caught in a wire trap, and the wire wound tightly around her head, through her mouth, neck, and body. She must have endured unspeakable pain for a long time until she was relieved of her suffering under anesthesia at our animal orphanage in Galati (RO). Her external wounds have since healed well. However, her soul has suffered significant damage, and we are not sure if she will ever overcome the trauma. She will live in safety in our shelter in the future. With a start sponsorship in the form of a one-time donation of CHF 100.--, you can contribute to the veterinary costs. As a thank you, the start sponsor receives a beautiful certificate and can give the furry friend a fitting name.
Start sponsorship taken over by Rocchina L. and Corinna H.


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