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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Start sponsorship taken over by Franz G.

April 2024

Neutering is sooo important. If this sweet girl's mom had been neutered in time, she would not have been born as a street dog and would not have been hit by a car - and she would have been spared great pain and fear.
Unlike many of her fellow sufferers, she survived the accident and remained injured. Thanks to the professional treatment she received at the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Galati (Romania), she is now a happy puppy again. Unfortunately, the little one was not picked up, which is why we have to find her a place in an animal shelter.

With an initial sponsorship in the form of a one-off donation of
CHF 100, Franz G. has contributed to the costs of Dalia's treatment.
As a thank you, he received a nice certificate and was also allowed to think up a suitable name for the puppy.

Start sponsorship taken over by Franz G.


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