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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Spectacular rescue operation in Hurghada!

July 2023

Our clinic team in Hurghada received a message that a cat was in a hopeless situation and had no access to water or food for days. She had probably jumped from a roof onto a balcony further down, from where she could no longer leave. No one was able to provide the team that was dispatched with access to the balcony or the surrounding apartments. Fortunately, the civil defense team that was contacted was immediately ready to move in with a long ladder to rescue the cat from the outside, which was screaming loudly for help. Unfortunately, the weakened animal was still strong enough to escape the rescuer's courageous grip and jump into the depths. With two broken legs, the cat could finally be brought to the SUST Animal Orphanage Hospital. There she was successfully operated on the following day. However, it will be a while before the animal can go on new adventures.
Thank you very much for your support of our animal welfare work!


Spectacular rescue operation in Hurghada!


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