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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Beginning of summer!

June 2023

The calendrical summer begins with the summer solstice on June 21, 2023.
We have put together tips for you and your dog on how to get COOL through the summer:
1. move the longer walks to the morning and evening hours.
2. allow your dog in between a cooling in a body of water
     (Do not overdo it, otherwise you risk water intoxication!)
3. on particularly hot days, carry drinking water with you so that your dog does not drink from puddles (danger of leptospirosis!).
4. longer bike rides are taboo in summer temperatures!
     (unless your dog is riding in a bike basket).
5. remember that hot asphalt is painful for the paws of your dog and can lead to burns!
     and can lead to burns! If it feels hot to your skin, then it is for his as well.
6. never leave your dog waiting in the car when the sun is shining! Already
     From 15 degrees outside temperature there is acute danger to life! Even slightly open windows can not provide sufficient cooling inside the car.

More animal hot summer tips for pets:

Beginning of summer!


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