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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Summer, sun, fun.... ...and in winter?

May 2023

Mangalia in Romania is a beautiful resort.
The cheap hotel offers attract many tourists to the Romanian spa town on the Black Sea!
In summer a paradise! Also for the countless street animals of the region in the truest sense of the word: found food.
However, this also leads to the fact that the populations there are just about to "explode".
When the season is over, however, it then becomes difficult to bring one's young - including oneself - through the winter.
This is the sad fate of most of these animal summer flirts.
The neutering campaigns in the coastal regions of the Black Sea are therefore always a tad more close to our hearts. In March it was again so far:
322 animals were neutered by our neutering team from the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Bucharest during this campaign, thus saving countless more lives.
The campaign report with all the pictures and other great successes can be found here:

Kampagnenreport Kastrationsaktion Mangalia, Rumänien

The other actions from March in Romania here:
The easiest way to support the SUST neutering campaigns:
Thank you!
Summer, sun, fun.... ...and in winter?


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