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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Here's how you can help support squirrel sanctuaries!

September 2023

As part of the SUST animal shelter support, we also help squirrel stations that absolutely need hazelnuts WITH shells,
as the little squirrels have to learn to nibble them open.
But since 2019, a fungal infestation has been spoiling the harvest for Swiss hazelnut farmers.
So it's not so easy to find hazelnuts in large quantities....
This is where you come in:
Help us - now that it's the season - to collect and dry whole hazelnuts and then send them to us simply by mail.
You can find the address here:
The baby squirrels are really looking forward to it!
Here's how you can help support squirrel sanctuaries!


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