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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Sloth severely injured in animal orphan hospital Peru

July 2023

Since yesterday there is a new intensive care patient at the Orphan Animal Hospital Peru:
A two-fingered female sloth with severe burns.
This is a typical case: the arboreal mammals climb from a branch and reach into a power line. High-grade burns to the face and limbs are then often compounded by injuries sustained during the fall from a great height.
Sam Reiter, a veterinarian at the Orphan Animal Hospital, immediately provided intensive care for the new patient. After a thorough examination, wounds were treated, IV, painkillers and other medications were administered, and the sloth was fed some liquid diet.
The whole team of the hospital is working together day and night to save the little one and we keep our fingers crossed that we can save her....
Sloth severely injured in animal orphan hospital Peru


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