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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Swiss Butterflies...

March 2023

Did you know, for example, that fennel, carrots and dill attract the magnificent swallowtail to your garden? That is what is on the main menu of the strictly vegetarian caterpillar. That's why the butterfly, which reaches a wingspan of about 8cm, lays its eggs there individually, so that the caterpillar then has the whole plant to itself.
There are so many exciting facts about the colorful flutterers...
With more than 180,000 described species in 127 families and 46 superfamilies, they are the second most numerous insect order after beetles.
Every year, about 700 species are newly discovered. Summer birds and moths are distributed on all continents except Antarctica. In Central Europe they are represented by about 4000 species.
You can find much exciting information about Swiss butterflies here:
For more on proper gardening for biodiversity and butterfly lovers, click here:
and here:
Swiss Butterflies...


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