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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Bad neglect of horses and dogs....

February 2023

What our team in Romania had to experience this weekend is not for the faint of heart.
A "self-proclaimed animal lover" near Bucharest (Romania) neglected her "rescued" animals for several months - no food, no proper housing, no caretakers.
Fortunately, the competent authorities, together with other animal welfare activists, managed to rescue the 34 dogs and 43 horses.
The county authorities of Ilfov (county around Bucharest, Romania) were present at the seizure and our team took care of the initial medical care. The dogs could already be placed in a regional shelter. The horses presented us all with bigger problems - as it was difficult to find an approved shelter. In the meantime already 9 horses died. Two we tried to save on the spot, but their condition was too bad and unfortunately we had to put them to death.
At least now we managed to place all surviving horses on two farms, where they will continue to be cared for and medically treated under our supervision.
The owner blames her employees, but it is clear that this is a case of "animal hoarding" that has gotten totally out of hand.
Criminal proceedings have now been initiated against the owner and she will have to answer criminally for her cruelty to animals.
We immediately sent food and blankets and other material for the horses on their way.
A tragic and unbelievably sad case, which will keep us busy for a long time.... until the horses are better and the legal situation is clarified - we need a lot of patience!
Thank you for allowing us to help in situations like this thanks to your support!
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Bildquelle: Protectia Animalelor CJ Ilfov
Bad neglect of horses and dogs....


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