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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)


July 2024

Bäschteli the cat was found last December by an animal lover and brought to the Tierarztpraxis Balmer AG in Eggiwil. At the time, he had an untreated, open fracture on his right hind leg and must have been in this condition for a while due to the nasty wound.
The owner could later be traced, but she was no longer interested in the young pet and wanted to have it euthanized. We therefore agreed to cover the costs of amputating the little leg as part of our “SaveMyLife” project.
In May 2024, Bäschteli came back to the Balmer AG veterinary practice for a visit and neutering.
Vet Mrs. Balmer wrote to us afterwards: “Bäschteli is so nimble on his three little legs that it is hardly possible to take a good photo of him. He is doing fantastically well and the new owners are very happy with him.”
We are delighted that we can give cats like Bäschteli the chance of a good life thanks to your support - thank you very much!!!
We would also like to thank the Balmer AG veterinary practice for accepting Bäschteli and for the large discount on the surgery costs.
You can find out more about our “SaveMyLife” project here: www.susyutzinger.ch/SUST/SaveMyLife



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