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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Rare guests at the amphibian haul...

March 2023

Hooray, they are still there!
They are rare guests at our "frog cabs", the SUST helpers who tirelessly help the amphibians across the road in all weathers, early in the morning and late in the evening, at the amphibian migration site at Brauiweiher (Weisslingen/Agasul, ZH).
When a fire salamander is found among frog, toad, newt and co., it is worth a dance of joy.
In former times there were fire salamanders in masses. Today, you don't see many anymore and if you do, you'll only see them flattened on the road.
But, our helpers report; at the Brauiweiher, fire salamanders have been increasingly seen again in the last three years. "We were able to count 10 animals in one evening".
The increased sighting of these fascinating animals is also a good sign for increasing water quality - this makes us happy and we hope that this is the first (albeit small) step away from the red list for the fire salamander.
How you too can become active and lots of exciting information about amphibians:
Rare guests at the amphibian haul...


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