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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Poppy desperately needed help...

June 2023

Poppy was found by animal lovers after an accident and came to SUST-OAH Hurghada, Egypt.
Nobody knows what exactly happened, if she was abandoned by her "owner" or if she ran away... Only one thing was clear: Poppy needed urgent help!
You can tell by looking at this sweet dog girl that she is not a street dog.
We also quickly discovered that both of her left legs were broken in a really complicated way.
When Poppy came to us at the Orphan Animal Hospital, the digital x-ray machine was not yet installed, which made everything a bit more complicated.
It was a real challenge to stitch the bones together. But our team around SUST-Vet Dr. Joseph succeeded in the operation.
For the follow-up check, the new digital x-rays, which you co-financed with crowdfunding, were used.
This also shows how long Poppy had to stay in treatment with us.
She had to learn to use her legs again, but Poppy was already able to practice this very well with her future owner.
A place was quickly secured for Poppy and the lady who will adopt Poppy came by regularly during her stay at the clinic.
Poppy was lucky, and she has you to thank for that. Your donations make SUST's animal orphan hospitals possible! Thank you on behalf of Poppy and all other animals in need who deserve a second chance!
Poppy desperately needed help...


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