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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Patent animal of the week

March 2023

The reason why I look so sad is that I have already seen and experienced a lot of bad things. I come from an animal shelter in Ukraine, which was not taken care of for six weeks due to the war. When the shelter was finally evacuated, it was already too late for many of my friends.
I think I hit the jackpot, because I was allowed to move with seven other surviving dogs to the SUST shelter in Galati, Romania, where we are safe. So slowly we have settled in here, even though we will probably never completely forget what we have experienced.
Now I am still looking for a godmother or godfather. Are you?
If so, please contact me at patenschaft@susyutzinger.ch
Here you will find everything you need to know about the SUST sponsorship (godfather/godmother) program: https://www.facebook.com/tierheimpatenschaftgalati/about
Patent animal of the week


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