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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

On January 9th, we lit a candle for our dear Ontzu

January 2024

His former owner, about two years ago, desperately stood at the door of the SUST Animal Orphan Hospital in Bucharest (RO). Elderly and terminally ill himself, he was on the verge of moving to a hospice. Not knowing who would take care of his beloved cat after his death almost broke his heart.

Our Romanian colleagues couldn't deny the man's last wish, and so Ontzu got to spend his remaining time in the cat room of the Animal Orphan Hospital. His new friends, especially senior dog Piti, helped him cope with the loss of his beloved owner, and a kind sponsor ensured we could provide him with a comfortable twilight time. But now it was time for Ontzu to embark on his final journey.

Run free, little Ontzu, you are eagerly awaited at the other end of the rainbow.

On January 9th, we lit a candle for our dear Ontzu


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