Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

This would never have been possible without your help!

December 2023

The SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Peru, which has become an important part of the care of orphaned, confiscated and injured wild animals in the jungle near Bello Horizonte, is constantly evolving and continues to develop,
Despite already very efficient and professional work, the aim is to continue to improve.
Thanks to your donations, the accommodation for vets at the jungle clinic has been extended to create some privacy for the SUST vets and their patients. In order to release wild animals back into the wild, they need a lot of peace and time and, above all, as little human contact as possible. The hut is located next to the clinic, which will further improve the care of all patients.
Vet Carlotta Nuss is currently looking after the intensive care patients in Peru and sent us this thank you.
Many thanks also from us for your important commitment to animals in need!
This would never have been possible without your help!


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