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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

No animal hair as nesting material!

April 2023

Dear gardeners, please remember:
No animal hair as nesting material!
This well-intentioned advice, which is often found on the Internet, harbors a number of dangers.
If a lot of animal hair is offered as nesting material, "family bird" likes to build too much of it into their nest. This can lead to the animals getting tangled in it or swallowing the hair.
It's all in the mix!
A well-built bird's nest will certainly have some animal hair or feathers as padding or insulation, but it will also include clay, moss and other plant fibers.
So-called "civilization waste" is also dangerous. So you can leave your garden a bit "messy" if you want to help birds, but make sure that no strings, threads and other plastic waste is lying around.
You can find more information here: vogelwarte.ch
More valuable knowledge for animal lovers is available at this website.
No animal hair as nesting material!


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