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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

New patient at the SUST-OAH Moreni

May 2023

The best news is the news about food!
Pet owners know it, when pets stop eating, worry lines quickly deepen.
Piki, was found about 2 weeks ago in a forest near Moreni (RO). Alone and abandoned. How the puppy got there, it is a mystery. However, that Piki was lucky to be found, it is not a mystery. Only... Piki did not want, or could not eat.
His rescuers brought him to the SUST-OAH Moreni, where it was immediately clear that he had a severe stomach ache.
Piki was immediately treated medically and dewormed properly - and already a few hours later he felt much better and very hungry!
The OAH team is very excited to see Piki again in 2 weeks for his next vaccination appointment (understandably, those eyes!).
Thanks to your donations, Piki was quickly returned to his new home. Dewormed, with free medicine for his nasty stomach and MUCH APPETITE!
Thank you for helping to make a big happy ending with a small contribution!
New patient at the SUST-OAH Moreni


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