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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

New patient at SUST Orphan Animal Hospital Hurghada....

September 2023

Via a Facebook post, our Egypt team became aware of a street dog that had a bad wound on her leg as a result of a car accident.
The dog could not be caught, so our team had to go out and sedate her in order to transport her to the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Hurghada (EG).
At the hospital, the full extent of the injuries came to light:
The wounds were so deep that in several places the femur was visible. Thanks to the great X-ray machine (once again many thanks to our wonderful sponsors) it was soon clear that there was still hope and that the leg would probably not have to be amputated.
We are very happy that today, after many changes of bandages, she is able to put weight on her leg again. It will still take a moment until she is completely healthy again, but thanks to the SUST Animal Orphanage team, the sweetie is clearly on the home stretch.
More info about the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital Hurghada:
New patient at SUST Orphan Animal Hospital Hurghada....


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