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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Aftershocks in Syria and Turkey

February 2023

The earth does not come to rest, again and again there are aftershocks in Syria and Turkey. Sometimes even so strong again that more houses collapse and even more people and thus also animals are affected.
Ernesto, who continues to rescue animals in Syria and takes care of orphaned animals, writes in his posts that the team of "Ernesto's Sanctuary for Cats" meanwhile sleeps outside in order not to be surprised and buried by possible quakes.
We are still in contact with Ernesto, as well as with the Turkish animal rights organization Haytap, which is tirelessly rescuing and caring for more animals in the affected areas in Turkey. Haytap, thanks to your donations, we were able to secure two hospital tents for the emergency clinics in the disaster area and assist in funding generators, heaters, air conditioning, transportation and of course food.
If you would like to support animals in need in the earthquake zone, you can help > Fast and vital help for animals in need:
Pictures: Haytap & Ernesto’s Sanctuary for Cats in Syria
Aftershocks in Syria and Turkey


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