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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Most frequent patients in winter...

February 2023

During the cold winter months, adult birds of prey are among the most frequent patients at the wildlife rehabilitation center "Luanas Dream* in Romania.
Larger birds of prey mainly prey on smaller birds and rodents. In winter, however, the food supply is scarce, as many songbirds spend the winter in warmer regions and rodents are underground or in hibernation.
Hunger drives raptors near roads where they hope to find carcasses of roadkill. Unfortunately, the already weakened animals often become victims of road traffic.
Many of the birds suffer broken bones in collisions with cars. In the wildlife rehabilitation center, the injured animals are professionally treated and nursed back to health until they can be released back into the wild.
SUST has been supporting the wildlife rehabilitation center "Luanas Dream" for many years. It is one of the few institutions in Romania that takes care of orphaned and injured wild animals.
Currently we are collecting donations for the expansion of various enclosures.

Here you can donate for this project: https://www.susyutzinger.ch/Crowdfunding

Most frequent patients in winter...


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