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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Many greetings from...

May 2024

They are: Samira from Italy and Carlotta from Germany.
During their assignment in the Peruvian jungle, the two vets are responsible for treating all the animals that are admitted to the clinic.

Recently, this included some forest tortoises. These animals are threatened with extinction. Not only due to habitat loss - these turtles are often kept as pets to be eaten in traditional dishes
Fortunately, this specimen was saved. After some time at the OAH with regular examinations and treatment for parasites, the turtle will soon be released into the forest.
You can read more about the important and valuable work at the ‘SUST Jungle Clinic’, the SUST-OAH Bello Horizonte, here:

Many greetings from...


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