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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Manuela is a sponsor of the SUST animal shelter in Galati (RO)

September 2023

Manuela is among the sponsors of the SUST animal shelter in Galati (RO) who want to know exactly how their regular sponsorship contributions are being utilized. On the occasion of her participation in a sponsor trip, she could confirm that her regular sponsorship contributions are being used well and meaningfully. And as you can see, a lot of happiness hormones were released in the process!

The operation of the SUST animal shelter in Galati (including food, animal caretakers, heating, maintenance, etc.) is financed to a large extent by the donations of sponsors. Unfortunately, prices are constantly rising in Romania as well, and many animals in the shelter still do not have a godmother or godfather.

By taking on a sponsorship, you not only provide a secure home for an individual animal in a professionally managed animal shelter but also make it possible for around 500 animals to feel well-cared for and looked after.

- Contact us here if you would like to help through sponsorship: patenschaft@susyutzinger.ch

- Here you can find the photo album of the animals that currently do not have a sponsor:
- Here you can find more information about the conditions of sponsorship:
Manuela is a sponsor of the SUST animal shelter in Galati (RO)


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