Help animals


Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Looking forward...

February 2024

At this time of year, the mind's eye is already looking forward to colorful flowers on which colorful butterflies and dancing bees and the like are finally romping around again.
That's why many stores are already selling seed packets again, usually with promising names such as "bee friend" or "butterfly paradise". Often at an incredibly low price.
With the best of intentions, animal lovers with an increasing longing for spring naturally grab them, also to make a contribution against insect mortality...
However, such cheap mixtures often contain flowers that do not occur here at all, so our insects do not even fly to them. This requires native wild plants and preferably perennials...
A butterfly, for example, lays its eggs on plant stems and over the following months they pupate to become butterflies the following year.
Also, you can never be sure whether such seed mixtures have been treated with pesticides...
So if you want to help, simply sow flowers from your area... Or order SUST bee helper sticks to help twice over:
Looking forward...


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