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Katzenbäume für das Tierheim Csabai (HU)

Little KAYNA has found a start/name sponsor!

June 2023

This little mouse was found lonely on a street in Romania. Not at all a good place for a defenseless and unsuspecting puppy. In addition, she was very emaciated, dehydrated and full of ticks and other parasites. A case for the SUST Orphan Animal Hospital in Galati. And that's where the little girl is now and is being professionally cared for. You can't really call this dog a "sunshine" at the moment, but who can blame her, after all she hasn't seen people from their best side yet. And of course she doesn't understand that our team only wants to help her. However, her appetite is of the healthy kind and since love goes through the stomach, this little devil will soon become an angel.
She now has food, care and love. Now she needs a name and a start sponsorship. For a one-time donation of CHF 100.00, the sponsor can choose a suitable name. In addition, he/she receives a certificate with a photo of his/her protégé and the nice feeling of having done a good deed.
Little KAYNA has found a start/name sponsor!


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